September 09, 2021
A dermaroller is a small device that’s composed of a handle and a roller that’s covered in microneedles. To use the product, you roll the device over your skin in specific areas to create very small skin punctures. The holes created by the needles are not very deep, but they are sufficient to trigger your skin’s healing response and stimulate the production of collagen. This may sound like a scary process, but it’s surprisingly gentle and very effective at addressing common skin problems.
If you’ve never used a dermaroller on your skin or have only had a professional do it for you in the past, you may be wondering “Is it safe to use a dermaroller at home?” The answer is yes – as long as you know what you’re doing. Here’s a quick guide to help you understand if the dermaroller is right for you, and how to properly use one.
Dermarollers come in different sizes and perform different functions. If you’re wondering which derma roller size is best, the answer depends on your particular goals. The smaller sizes (between 0.1 mm and 0.2 mm) are generally used to create tiny pathways in the skin so skincare products can penetrate more easily. They’re great for ensuring your moisturizers and serums absorb effectively for optimal nourishment and hydration. Beyond this simple purpose, though, they don’t provide any other notable benefits.
Larger dermarollers (between 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm) provide more significant functions. They stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and encourage collagen synthesis. Larger dermarollers are frequently used to help with the following:
Using a dermaroller for hyperpigmentation is also common. Some people also claim the device improves skin texture and minimizes stretch marks. The Micro Needle Dermaroller comes in both 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm sizes. Dermarollers containing larger needles than this should only be used by trained professionals since they can damage the skin and potentially interfere with the body’s ability to produce new collagen fibers.
When used in combination with hyaluronic acid 100% pure, a dermaroller may help you achieve more radiant, youthful and elastic skin. Keep in mind that you can use hyaluronic acid serum on a daily basis, but you should only use a dermaroller once every three weeks. When you first use a dermaroller, your skin may need up to a full month to completely recover. Sanitize your roller regularly to keep it clean and minimize your chances of infection. When used properly, this revolutionary tool can minimize blemishes and give your skin a healthy, youthful appearance.